Maria del Mar, Tulum.

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Being in Mexico for this pandemic has been a blessing.

A couple months ago, when I decided to quit my job at the ad agency, and follow my own path, I was terrified of how things would come to be... because for the first time in my life, I didn't have everything figured out.

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It wasn't like I had a lot of savings or something, so thinking of details like "where's money gonna come from" or "where am I gonna live" or "how am I gonna survive", were always on my mind.

For some reason, I was sent here, and forced to trust that everything would be okay.
Today, I'm completely grateful. Grateful for being safe, accompanied, guided, supported, full of work and in the most magical place.

Tulum feels right at this moment, and I'm happy to know that I'll be here for a while, even if I get a little down sometimes because I'm a control-freak learning to leave things in the hands of the Universe. ✨

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In this occasion, I stayed in @MariaDelMarTulum. A lovely little boutique hotel that welcomed me and my ex-husband with all the safety, COVID-friendly and

Samantha Villavicencio

Originally from Caracas, Venezuela, Samantha is an award-winning Creative Director based in Cabo, LA & Miami. Founder of

Tulum, an energy vortex.


Balinese Decor.