Adapting to change.


Change "is the only constant". This is a fact.

We all go a little crazy when things start changing drastically in our lives. We like to cling to the known because, well... it's what we know. It's what we're familiar with, and it somehow makes us feel "safe."

We even accept things that aren't good for us just because we're scared of what might happen if we dive deep into the waves of change. But that's just not optimal for our growth.

In order to evolve, we need change.

So, I want to share some tips on how to deal with change in a healthy and productive way.

  1. Acknowledge the fact that things are changing.

    The first thing we need to do is understand that things are changing. We tend to try to fight change so bad, that we put off actually dealing with it. Denying this protects us in many ways, but in order to successfully go through hard times, we need to accept that things are changing, and it is okay.

  2. Evaluate how much you can control about the situation.

    Sometimes we become fixated on things over which we have no real power at all. But rather than focus on blaming others or “moving the unmovable”, focus on what you can control. Ask yourself, “What can I take responsibility for in this situation?” Doing this will empower yourself and work towards change that is actually possible.

  3. Think and ask yourself, ‘What’s the worst that can happen?’

    Change is scary because the unknown is scary. So, to deal with the unknown, think things through carefully. Imagine all the different outcomes you can, and then decide what would be your best- and worst-case scenarios. Remember times when you’ve dealt with big changes before. If you’re here reading this, you made it just fine. Sometimes things are not as bad as they seem at first, so aim for the best, but be prepared for the worst.

  4. Practice Self-Care.

    Often life’s transitions involve losses that can make us feel sad. During these times of transitions, instead of trying to push away any grief you might feel, acknowledge your loss, and pay attention to what you’ve learned from the experience. Seek support and be among loved ones. Consider speaking with a counselor or other mental health professional if you feel you need extra support during the transition. Eat healthy, try to get as much sleep as possible, rest and take things easy. All these things seem impossible during hard times, but they’re more important than we know.

  5. Check Your Thoughts.

    In times of change, we tend to see everything in black or white, or you assume the worst will occur. Try to take the time to examine your thought patterns and assess how rational they are. Try to slow down your mind practicing relaxation techniques that can help you feel more in control of your brain and how you evaluate a major change. Practicing mindfulness or deep breathing can help a lot. Choose to focus on your strengths instead of your weaknesses, and you will feel more empowered to meet what lies ahead.

  6. Stop judging yourself.

    Research says that our reaction to sadness (and other emotions) has a greater impact on our health (and success) than the sadness (or other emotion) itself. If we believe our sadness will kill us, it will. But if we believe this emotion is trying to carry us through a challenging situation, or it’s trying to teach us something, we can become more resilient. So instead of judging yourself for feeling sad, stressed, scared, etc., be gentle and patient with yourself. It’s normal to feel all these emotions during times like these. Believe that you’ll get through them, and you will.

Sending you all the love and strength through these hard times.



Samantha Villavicencio

Originally from Caracas, Venezuela, Samantha is an award-winning Creative Director based in Cabo, LA & Miami. Founder of

How to connect with your Higher Self.


When climbing up seems too hard.